Aryabhatta : A Indian Astrologer, Who discovered Zero and Described first about Planet and said ' Earth is round'.

Aryabhatta :- Shining stars in the sky have always been centers of attraction for humans.  It has been imagining for human ages to know the form, shape and composition of these constellations.  Visit them, get experience about them.  The idea has also tickled him that people like him will also live on some constellation.  This curiosity of man inspired him to investigate the constellations in the sky.  Due to the trials that have been going on since ages, today humans have been able to know some constellations, events that happen while sitting on the earth.

 Thousands of years ago, there was a lot of thinking about the planets and constellations.

 Aryabhata was the first person from India to say that the earth revolves on its axis.  According to him, the constellation remains fixed and the earth rotates on its axis from west to east.  We also roam with the earth.  Today it is a scientific fact, but at that time it was considered a sin to do such a thing in cosmic opinion because even the religious texts used to say that the earth is stable.  Aryabhata was born in Ashmak region in 476 AD.  Happened in.  The area between Godavari and Narmada was known as Ashmak region.  He came to Pataliputra by propagating his new ideas, to remove the superstition prevailing among the people and to study the thoughts of the astrologers of North India.  He had an observatory in an ashram, a little away from Pataliputra Nagar.  Where copper, brass and various kinds of wood were kept.  Aryabhata is called the astrological emperor but he also had special skills in mathematics.  In these subjects, he contradicted many old beliefs and established new opinions.  He was a person of independent thought and it was against his nature to accept wrong things under any pressure.  Aryabhata compiled his experiences and thoughts in a book called "Aryabhatiyam".  This book is also called 'Aryabhatiya'.

 Based on a verse from his book, it can be said that Aryabhata was only twenty-three (23) years old when this book was written.  Isn't it surprising!  Because at such a young age it was not easy to disseminate religious texts and traditional ideas, establishing new ideas and concepts. In Aryabhatiyam, both mathematics and astrology are given in this great book Kanwal da so forty-two (242) verses and twenty-one verses.  Is confined.  But this is the unrefined store of Pan and Jyantish.

 Aryabhatta was a great astrologer.  He contradicted many Andhishwama in his period.  He was the first to say that the earth is cheek and revolves around his axle.  Ailment

 Explain clearly the reasons for lunar eclipse and solar eclipse.  He told that shadows of the moon and the earth are eclipsed.  When the shadow of the earth falls on the moon, the eclipse strikes.  And the solar eclipse occurs when the moon's shadow falls on the earth.  Aryabhata thousands of years ago

 It was told that the moon does not shine on its own but it shines with the light of the sun.  At that time, with the study of Aryabhata, people knew that there is a definite time between the appearance and complete disappearance of the moon.  The routes through which the sun, the moon and the nakshatra travel were called 'Ravi Marg' and based on this, astrologers divided twelve (12) zodiac signs.  Even today, it is believed that the planets of the sky affect man's life, but in Aryabhatoy, any kind

 Superstition does not reflect.  These texts are completely based on science.  The greatest achievement of income was to prove the utility of zero.  On the basis of

 The largest number can be written easily.

 The importance of zero in the measurement of computers is well known.  All the calculations of space are impossible without it, according to the statements of some scholars, knowledge of zero was first given by Aryabhata.  Aryabhata gave many theories of arithmetic, algebra and geometry in his book.  At that time, very little mathematicians were aware of the diameter and circumference of the circle.  Aryabhata, about one and a half from today

 Thousand (1,500) years ago, research was done and told that if the diameter of the circle is known, then the circumference of the circle can be known.  Aryabhata explained the innumerable nuances of mathematics very efficiently and established new principles.  Aryabhata also showed his talent in the field of geometry.  He studied the three sides of the triangle, its angles, and discovered the new method of the committee of Kan.  Later, Greek-mathematicians discussed it and slowly spread this knowledge in Europe.  Taught in schools today.

 Although the known geometry is believed to be based on the geometry of the Greek mathematician Euclid, its detailed roots can be seen in 'Aryabhatiya'.  Aryabhata showed a new path.  He showed that the path to the discovery of science is different from the path of religious beliefs.  He was not only a great scientist of our country, but also a revolutionary thinker.  He had shown great courage by presenting the right views against the tradition of Shruti, Smriti and Puranas and established a healthy tradition of scientific research in India.  Therefore today we have raised them in the sky.  India named its first artificial satellite, not any imaginary deity, but its great scientist - Aryabhata.
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